Diagnostic and organizational optimization

Organization: The Key to a Healthy Environment

Samson HR has the skills to create a program to help with the organizational optimization of your business. We have different types of tools that can give you a diagnosis of the organization in the workplace, as well as maximizing it.

Every company should have an action plan that will improve your business with respect to the work environment. This will allow employees to perform in a stable environment and will make management’s task much easier.

Communiquez avec

Marc Thibodeau, M.Sc., CRIA
Senior HR Consultant and Team Lead, Organizational Diagnostic and Optimization

T: 613-292-5303

Samson HR services include:

  • Organizational surveys
  • Action plans (improving attraction and retention)
  • Implementing good management practices
  • Process mapping
  • Negotiating collective agreements
  • Arbitration

Samson HR is qualified on several municipal and federal standing offers.